Elitetouan provides different interesting programmes based on the learners’ needs and ages. Our continuous commitment to quality and professional growth since 1998 has led us to new teaching horizons. That is why we are preparing our students to international certifications which are recognised worldwide.Actually, we have worked hard to meet the requirements and quality standards for Cambridge ESOL Exams. Our constant striving for improvement is essential for our institute which is already registered as a Cambridge ESOL examination venue. Our levels and materials are aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (C.E.F.R). We have already promised to grant our students with all types of Cambridge ESOL Exams. Therefore, we are committed to giving students the best English instruction by using the most up-to-dated textbooks, supplementary materials and efficient language teaching techniques.

Our Programs
يوفر معهد اللغة الإنجليزية برامج متطورة تتماشى مع حاجيات و أعمار كل الراغبين في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية. و لعل التزامنا بمبدإ الجودة و المهنية في الأداء منذ سنة 1998، هو ما فرض علينا هذه الآفاق التعليمية الهامة. لهذا لم يعد هدفنا تدريس اللغة الانجليزية فقط، بل فتح افاق جديدة للحصول على شواهد مختلفة تعد الارقى عالميا. وقد عمل معهد اللغة الانجليزية بكل جدية ليتماشى مع متطلبات مقاييس الجودة لامتحانات كامبردج. لهدا يعتبر عملنا المتواصل لتحسين الخدمة في الاداء عنصرا اساسيا، خاصة واننا نعد مركز امتحان معتمد من طرف Cambridge ESOL. وقد اصبحت كل مقررات المعهد منسجمة مع روح الاطار المرجعي الأوربي للمستويات (CFER)، واصبحنا ملزمين بتقديم الاجود باستعمال كل ماجد في عالم اللغة من كتب ومراجع وتقنيات تعليمية متطورة.

General English
General English courses aim at improving everyday English on the basis of the English language main skills: reading, listening , speaking and writing.

English for Exams
Elitetouan offers group & individual complete preparation courses for national and international exams supervised by experienced teachers

E.S.P Courses
Elitetouan offers a variety of English courses for specific purposes to professionals who need English at their workplace. English for Specific

Conversation Courses
This is the ideal course if you want to listen more attentively, speak more confidently and communicate more clearly.

Regular Intensive Courses
Elitetouan offers intensive regular courses for its students this year. You can study a complete level in one semester

Intensive Summer Courses
Elitetouan gives you an opportunity to study English in Summer. Join our four session intensive programme in June, July, August…