Our Programmes

Elitetouan provides different interesting programmes based on the learners’ needs and ages. Our continuous commitment to quality and professional growth since 1998 has led us to new teaching horizons. See more

GE 3

General English

General English courses aim at improving everyday English on the basis of the English language main skills: reading, listening , speaking and writing.



English for Exams

Elitetouan offers group & individual complete preparation courses for national and international exams supervised by experienced teachers


E.S.P Courses

Elitetouan offers a variety of English courses for specific purposes to professionals who need English at their workplace. English for Specific



Conversation Courses

This is the ideal course if you want to listen more attentively, speak more confidently and communicate more clearly.



Intensive Regular Courses

Elitetouan offers intensive regular courses for its students this year. You can study a complete level in one semester



Intensive Summer Courses

Elitetouan gives you an opportunity to study English in Summer. Join our four session intensive programme in June, July, August…



IELTS Academic & General Course and Exam

IELTS is the world’s most popular English test for higher education and global migration.
IELTS is designed to test the language ability



B2 First (FCE) & C1 Advanced (CAE)

Cambridge exams are among the most important international exams, as about 5 million candidates in more than 130 countries pass these exams



Cambridge English Young Learners

Cambridge English: Young Learners is a series of fun and engaging activity-based English language tests. They introduce primary and lower-secondary level


News & Activities


Elitetouan Barcelona Trip Feb 2014

Elitetouan Barcelona Trip Feb 2014 Weather: Perfect – the weather was a great welcome to the city. Low to upper 14° during the day and no rain. We had such a wonderful weather. Accommodation: The H.T Calella Palace Hotel was clean and well-furnished, and the staff were very friendly and welcoming. Great location, nice pools…

Mindsets Matter by Fatima Zahra Aboukir

Mindsets Matter by Fatima Zahra Aboukir On behalf of ELI students , we warm-heartedly thank Ms Fatima Zahra Aboukir, the Youths Programs coordinator at the American Embassy in Rabat for her fruitful presentation on “Mindsets Matter” , and her success in encouraging the audience to be aware of what a growth mindset contradicts a fixed…

Cambridge English Qualifications Award Ceremony 2021

Cambridge English Qualifications Award Ceremony 2021 احتضن المعهد حفلا رمزيا لتسليم شواهد مؤهلات كامبردج لفائدة الفوج العاشر لإمتحان كامبردج B2 First فوج ماي 2021 و الفوج الحادي عشر لإمتحان كامبردج C1 Advanced. و قد حصل طلبتنا على نتائج باهرة رغم الظروف الصحية الصعبة التي رافقت تحضير و إجتياز هذه الإمتحانات. كما كان لنا موعد مع حفل…

Elitetouan presentation on exchange programs and studies in the US

Elitetouan Presentation on Exchange Programs and Studies in the US Elitetouan has the pleasure today to host fruitful presentations in collaboration with the Public Affairs Section US Embassy,Rabat. The first presentation was delivered by Mr Soufiane Adrane ,an educational outreach and English language coordinator.It was about the US Government Exchange Programs. The second presentation was…

Elitetouan Halloween activities for kids 2019

Elitetouan Halloween activities for kids 2019 الإنجليزية لصغار المتعلمين. إكتساب الثقة في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية يعطي للأطفال دفعة قوية للسير بخطى ثابثة نحو التمكن من جميع جوانب اللغة التي تفتح آفاقا واسعة في المستقبل سواء للدراسة في الجامعات العالمية او الحصول على مناصب هامة. يعمل معهد اللغة الإنجليزية Elitetouan منذ أزيد من 20 سنة على…

Elitetouan 2021 New Year Activities for Kids

Elitetouan 2021 New Year Activities for Kids يتمنى معهد اللغة الإنجليزية تطوان لكل الطلبة و أولياء أمورهم و الطاقم الإداري و التربوي سنة ميلادية جديدة مليئة بالنجاح والتوفيق و موفور الصحة و العافية. نحن نودع سنة صعبة و إستثنائية بكل المقاييس بسبب جائحة كوفيد-19، لقد كنتم جميعا في الموعد بفضلكم و معكم إستطعنا ضمان الإستمرارية…

New Cambridge Assessment English recognition certificate 2023

New Cambridge Assessment English recognition certificate 2023 للسنة الثامنة على التوالي توج معهد اللغة الإنجليزية Elitetouan بشهادة تقديرية من طرف القسم الخاص بإمتحانات تقييم اللغة الإنجليزية لجامعة كامبردج، تمنح هذه الشهادة فقط لأهم مراكز تحضير مؤهلات كامبردج حول العالم وأكثرها نجاحا تقديرا لعملهم الجاد و المتواصل لاعداد و إحتضان إمتحانات مؤهلات كامبردج. شكرا لجميع المرشحين…

Elitetouan Cambridge English YLE Awards Ceremony November 5th, 2016

Elitetouan Cambridge English YLE Awards Ceremony November 5th – 2016 The first group of YLE students having taken their Cambridge English certificates for the first time in the north of Morocco after preparing and taking their exams at Eli were surrounded by their parents and teachers to celebrate the big event. That was in the…
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Our Accreditations


Elitetouan: Where dreams come true.

حيث تتحقق الأحلام!


What people say about Us?

The best institute in Tetouan, and the best option for learning English fluently.

Abdel Mounim Mesouab

Honestly, I like the idea that you invested in decoration, tools and technology, to make Students feel comfortable. Thank you, and for me this is the best English language school I’ve ever seen.


i think that eli is a good way to learn english because i’ve been studying there since i was 9 years old and now i’m 13 and i really recognised that my english skills has improved.


Greetings,my name is Chada and i am an intermediate,i am also top of my class.I think the teacher does a good job at teaching us as well as keeping us focused on the lesson,and the students are very hard-working and energetic.I like going to ELI because there i can practise my english so i can use it later to my advantage.I hope that i will be able to pass the cambridge exam to show my gratitude to this school.Thank you for reading and have a good day.

Chada El Haouat

ELI is a nice language learning institute, it’s providing the students the right environment for studying, also the courses are interesting and the teacher are high leveled and competant.

Aqqaoui Hiba

ELI is not just a center to learn english but it’s more than this.. in there, a person can improve his language and also know about english culture. Far from this and from my experience in Eli i’ve been there for 2 years first year as a student but the second we were preparing for the IELTS exam it was a special experience under the supervison of a skilled teacher who made us ready to the exam that we’ve took 2 weeks before and now we’re waiting for results with a lot of hope to get good marks and all the benifits goes to ELI we really want to say thanks a lot to everyone there for everything they gave to us.

Jamal El Battioui

Eli provides high quality courses by qualified teachers. I recommend this institute for whoever willing to improve their english.

Mezzour Bouchra

I prepared for my toefl test in Eli, such a constructive experience, I actually got 100 over 120 all thanks to the guidance and pieces of advise given to me by my teacher. I am very grateful for all of it, thank you Eli tetouan for this amazing opportunity.

Aya Hussein

Dear, I am an ex-student at the ELI language institute , i was involves as a BAC preparation STUDENT , then i took classes of IELTS preparation classes . One of the best memories i have ever done .
Great institute , with well-qualified staffs.
Good continuation

Hamza Janif

General English courses aim at improving everyday English on the basis of the English language main skills: reading, listening , speaking and writing.
