Our courses have been specifically designed around the unique way children learn to help them feel comfortable with language. They are taught by experienced teachers who are passionate about the English language. And by encouraging children to talk, play and interact with each other in a natural and enjoyable way, we help them practice their speaking, listening, reading and writing without feeling they are being taught.
Your child will learn to communicate in an English-only environment.
Peace of mind for you. Fun for your child.
- We use continuous assessment to measure progress.
- At the end of each term, your child will get a report with comments from their teacher about their participation and progress.
يهدف هذا البرنامج إلى تمكين الأطفــال (7 – 9 سنوات) من الإستئناس باللغة الإنجليزية باعتماد طرق بيداغوجية هادفة ومسلية. وينقسم هذا البرنامج حسب السن إلى مستويين