This is a new level which is created to bridge the gap between the kids’ level and the juniors’ one.
Our courses that are aligned to the CEFR suit the pre-juniors’ needs and prepare them to gain the language basic skills at an early age.
Numerous studies have shown that early exposure to language instruction constantly results in better performance.
The Pre-juniors are divided into 2 levels:
- Pre-junior1 (YLE Movers).
- Pre-junior2 (YLE Flyers).
يهدف هذا البرنامج إلى تمكين الأطفــال (9 – 11 سنة) من الإستئناس باللغة الإنجليزية باعتماد طرق بيداغوجية هادفة ومسلية .وينقسم هذا البرنامج حسب السن إلى مستويي